Friday, July 18, 2008

Ryan's Newspaper Debut

I mentioned the Kids Fishing Derby in the previous post well Ryan got his picture in the Ames Tribune today. A lady with Story County Conversation was walking around talking to people at the derby and while she was talking to us Ryan caught a fish. So she snapped a photo and took his info. This is where the photo ended up. It is pretty neat for Ryan to see his picture in the paper. I have to admit it is pretty neat for mom too.
I have to thank Alyssa Loots for letting me know about his picture in the paper. I may have never known if it wasn't for her. So thanks, Alyssa. I appreciate it.
I looked for the picture on the Ames Tribune website but no luck. Grandpa Brad went into town on the search for a paper. I had to cut it out and scan it so it kind of hard to read. I wish I had a link for you but this is the best I could do.
Original Article

Ryan's Newspaper Photo

Caption for the photos - still hard to read so get your magnifying glasses out


The Nikkels said...

WTG RYAN!!!! catching a fish AND being published!!!! What more could a little boy want?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Very Cool! And so his fame begins....

jmason said...

Woohoo!! Great job Ryan!

Airna said...

YAY RYAN! They got a great picture too. That's a good one for the scrapbook!