Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Time Fun

While we were in Colorado at the end March, one of Grandpa's mares had a filly. Here she is meeting Ryan.

Our chicks arrived, all 220 of them. We have 200 meat birds and 20 hens. They are so cute when they are little. They are now a little over 3 weeks old and getting fat. Not so cute anymore. Ryan does a great job choring them with a bit of help from mom or dad. Teaching responsibility early.

Ryan is dipping their beaks in water as we put them in the brooder for the first time

I took a cake decorating class in the beginning of April. It was a great creative outlet. I learned several new techniques. Looking forward to trying another cake and being more creative. The instructor wouldn't give us her cake or frosting recipes....bummer. I have to find good recipes now. This is the final product. Very basic, didn't want to over do it the first time.

Michael, Lynn and Colt happened to be home the weekend of their birthdays and my cake decorating class so we used my cake as their birthday cake. Ryan put the candles on....

Then we got 6 inches of snow. IN APRIL! I was not happy to see it snowing outside. Good thing the snow didn't stick around very long.

Ryan and I hosted an Easter Egg Hunt at our house. We were blessed with wonderful weather. We were able to be outside all morning. It was a GREAT day all around.

The Easter Bunny stopped by to hand out eggs to the kids.

Eating lunch with friends

I bought this bouncer at the end of summer on clearance. It was the first time we were able to use it. I think the kids liked it.

After our Easter Egg Hunt we headed to Washington for the weekend. We ran out of time to dye eggs at home so we did it at Grandma Mardi and Grandpa Randy's house.

Ryan's Easter Basket

What is this??? TWO Easter bunnies came to grandma and grandpa's house. Those Easter bunnies wouldn't come close to us......
so Ryan and cousin Myles chased after them. Those boys chased the bunnies for a long time.
hunting for eggs
Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids minus one.
Ryan, Myles and Izzy
Little Chase was in the house, it was pretty windy out

While we were in Washington, myself along with Mardi, my grandma and my aunt hosted a baby shower for my cousin Wendy and her little boy, Jack. It was nice to visit with everyone.

Cute picture! Jack and Izzy sitting with my dads cousin, Diane.

1 comment:

jmason said...

You guys are always soooo busy!! Great pics, looks like lots of fun! I love the bounce house thingy...that is cool!