I want to start with a follow-up from the last post about Veronika. I had to call in some personal favors in order to get all the information completed and neccesary paperwork filled out to be approved for an adoption. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't ask for help or favors unless I am really in need. I am much more comfortable giving then receiving. But the adoption process forced me to ask for favors. I want to take this opportunity to THANK a few important people....
Reference Letters - I think everyone should ask a family member or friend for a reference letter about parenting. It was a morale booster. Some of your letters brought me to tears. I know each and every one of you had to put time and thought into your letter. We appreciate it.
Pat - my aunt - family reference
Lynn - Ben's sister - family reference
Katie - my cousin - she is family but also my friend so she served as a friend reference
Jenn - friend reference
Anna - friend reference
Alisia - friend reference
Kelly - ex-coworker/friend reference
Alyssa - preparing housing information without charging us a fee
Marcie - reading my TB test on a weekend so I wouldn't have to make an ER visit
Jenn/Brad & Donna/my grandparents - watching Ryan during our endless appts and meetings
Brad & Donna/Dad & Mardi/my grandparents/Anna -taking care of Ry while we were in Russia
A special thanks to Ben's parents, Brad & Donna. I honestly don't know if we would have started this journey without knowing you guys were in our corner supporting us no matter what decisions we made. Gosh, tons of help with Ryan, helping gather paperwork, being a soundingboard for me, choring, taking care of Jake, not to mention a generous gift. I always tell everyone that I am blessed with the best inlaws!
One last THANKS to our wonderful families and friends for the encouraging and supportive emails, messages and phone calls. Every day in Russia, I looked forward to checking email so I could hear from you guys.
I am sure I forgot to thank someone, I apologize. The journey isn't over so I am sure I will owe many more thank you's in the upcoming months.
Onto the photos
Since we left for Russia on July 4th, we did sparklers with Ryan a little early.
He did sparklers with Grandma and Grandpa while we were gone. He managed to singe his hair while he was at it.
The morning after we got back from Russia, I took Ryan to his last gymnastics class. He really liked gymnastic but I don't think he will be taking it again. Let's just say he doesn't have the acrobatic type of build. Football yes, gymnastics no.
We went to a couple McFarland Park Naturlists Lunchbox programs in July. It is a short nature lesson, a book and a craft on the topic of the week taught by a naturlists for Story County Conservation. This weeks lesson was MUDLUSCIOUS.....
Painting with MUD
Cole, Ryan and Mason digging in MUD
Ryan and Jaden posing on the tree
Berry picking, love raspberries. Unlike strawberries, I love picking and eating raspberries.
Hamilton County Fair - on a spur of the moment decision we went to the Trailer Races. What a hilarious riot. It is like a demolation derby but all the vehicles have some kind trailer hitched to it. Before the races, we watch a stunt car show. Cars jumping other cars, cars jumping ramps, truck going all the way around a track on two wheels, etc. I sure hope Ryan (or Ben for that matter) didn't get any bright ideas. I definitely want to go again next year. It was so much fun.
Awesome fireworks after the races
Ryan begged for one ride at the midway. He had fun until ride got really high then he started yelling STOP. Turned out fine though.
Ice Cream Social for playgroup. Doesn't get much better then beautiful weather, great friends, homemade ice cream and about 15 toppings all while playing at the park!
Last night, Donna and I canned and froze 20 quarts of peaches. It wasn't too bad and went pretty smooth with two of us working on it. Looking forward to eating peaches all winter. I also made a fresh peaches pie for supper last night....YUMMY! It tasted great.
Finally, some random photos.
Ryan had lots of summer fun with his friends
Ryan and Maddy after swimming
Having fun at a new recreation center in Ames, Perfect Games
Ben and Ryan T. having a shoot out