I have to tell you about the most funny part of the night. Ben is all about CANDY! He made the comment to Ryan, "I hope you get some good candy and not all tootsie rolls." So the first house we come too that has tootsie rolls Ryan says, "My dad doesn't want any tootsie rolls." I was embarrassed but Ben was laughing in the background. I had to laugh a little too. So we told Ryan that tootsie rolls are fine and we need to be thankful for whatever the nice people are willing to give us. So the next house we go up too is handing out Skittles, Ryan says to the lady, "My dad wants tootsie rolls." Once again LAUGHING from the peanut gallery (BEN)! You just can't win when you are a parent.
Spirits in the Garden getting candy from all the different characters
Ryan and Great Grandma