Monday, December 17, 2007


Dad's surprise 50th birthday party was a SUCCESS! He did not know about the party until moments before arriving. I can't believe he didn't find out. Growing up, dad told us many times not to hide stuff from him because he finds out everything. NOT ANYMORE! I hadn't talked to dad for a couple weeks so I wouldn't accidently spill the beans. He didn't even know that we were going to be home that weekend.

The weather was awful on Saturday. We drove down to Washington in a snow storm and it snowed all day. Fortunately, we still had a GREAT turnout. We estimated about 70 people showed up. We had yummy cake, punch and the chocolate fondue fountain was a hit. We all had a good time visiting with family and friends. I think dad had a great birthday party.
Emilee created a very touching slideshow but I am having trouble uploading it to this blog. Hopefully I can get it to work very soon.

The 3 amigos
After the party a bunch of us went to the casino for supper and played slots for a little while. Ben was the only one who walked away with more of a winning then $10. You will have to ask him how much he won.
Ryan and Myles before the wrestling began
My niece, Izzy! Isn't she beautiful?

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