Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A good day of fishing!

**I am going to start putting my photo captions at the top of the photo. I am having trouble with formatting when I place them underneath. It is driving me nuts!**

Ben, Ryan and I went fishing for a few hours on Sunday. Things started out kind of slow but the boys ended up catching several fish each. Ryan out fished both of us. He caught 5 or 6 fish - mostly crappie and one perch. Ben caught 3 or 4 fish and I caught 1. I only fished for about an hour. When Ryan started catching fish, I decided it was easier to just help him out then try to deal with two fishing poles at one time. It got pretty hot while we were out on the water. That is why Ryan does have a life jacket on in the pictures. The poor kid was sweating under his lifejacket so badly that his t-shirt was soaking wet. We let him take it off while we weren't moving. I know, bad mama but I felt so sorry for him.

We did a couple of other things last weekend...
We went to the last Little Tykes swim at the pool. Little Tykes is twice a month during the summer and it is an open swim for kids under the age of 6. Ryan loves it. This was probably our last pool outing for the summer :( We still one day left to visit the wading pool tough.

Ryan and Treyton

We went to Treyton and Cainan birthday party on Sunday night. Treyton turned 3 last week and Cainan turns 2 this week. They had a wonderful water party at the wading pool. It was fun for all three of us.

The Birthday Boys, Treyton and Cainan

Jack, AJ and Ryan

Ryan and Jack having fun

Can't resist adding a picture of Maddycakes

Look at this...Ryan wrote his name on his body silhouette. No verbal or physical help. Of course, we have been working on writing his name but it usually isn't legible so it made me very happy to see such improvement.

1 comment:

Airna said...

I'm impressed with the name writing! Way to go Ryan! Love the new design. It's a great picture of Ryan too.