Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of Preschool for 2008-2009

Well, we got back from vacation yesterday and Ryan started preschool this morning. He was excited to go back. He asked about preschool all summer.

It was a much easier first day of school this year then last year (Story City offers preschool for 3 and 4 year olds so this is Ryan second year of preschool). Last year was awful - Ryan cried and had to pried off of me. Today we just walked in, hang up his bag, gave him a big hug and I was off to get groceries. No problem!

Cute story for Aunt Lynn and Uncle Michael:
I picked out nice clothes for Ryan to wear for his first day of school
Ryan: I don't want to wear these clothes
Me: You need to look nice for your first day of school then you can wear t-shirts and jeans to school next week
Ryan: I don't need to look handsome. Only Colt needs to be handsome.
Me: Both of you can be handsome
Ryan: Maybe when Colt grows up and moves to Story City, he can be in my class. That way I don't have to be handsome, he can be the handsome one.
Me: laughing laughing laughing - I don't think Colt will be moving to Story City.
Ryan: We'll see. I am always right.

Oh the joys of a "know it all" 4 year old.