Thursday, October 16, 2008

4 year old check-up

I forgot to post Ryan's stats from this years well-child check-up...
Sept 18, 2008
Height - 42.75 inches (grew 3 inches this year) 90 percentile
Weight - 39lbs (lost 3 lbs from last year) 90 percentile
B/P - 108/62

Ryan received a hearing test, an eye test, 4 shots, a finger prick for the lead test and a nasal mist for the flu vaccine. He did absolutely GREAT, not a single tear. So brave!

We had not been in the peds office since his 3 year old check-up. Healthy boy! Ryan thinks it is because he takes a vitamin everyday. Who knows maybe it is. As you can tell by our blog, I sure don't keep him home away from public germs. I guess he has built a strong immune system. I hope this year is just a good.
I just happen to have my little camera in my purse so I took advantage of the photo opp.

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