Friday, April 11, 2008

Chicky babies

Our chicks arrived this morning. I thought it was weird that 335 chicks were shipped priority mail through the post office. Anyway, at 6am this morning we received the phone call to come pick them up. I woke Ryan up so we could go out and help Ben when he got back. Ryan was super excited. He got dressed so fast.

Surprisingly, we didn't have any chicks die during transport. Ben and Ryan went out to check on them around 9:30am and they found one dead chick. That is it so far. They seem to doing very well. Ben did a great job converting half of the old corn crib into a chicken house. I wouldn't mind going out there to live with the chicks, it is nice and toasty warm in their brooder. It has been so cold here.

Ryan's "shiftwork" (as he refers to it -he loves that song) is to crawl to the back of the brooder to make sure none of the chicks jumped over the board into the cold corner. He hasn't crawled on any the chicks yet. He is loving all this chicken business. We will see how long it lasts.


Airna said...

Oh my gosh! How CUTE! That looks like a great set up. Looks like Ryan is excited. That does seem weird to mail little chicks.

Jenn said...

Leslie...boy do those photos take me back to my childhood. I loved it when we got new chicks in. Then...they went through the ugly stage (where they lost all their fur and started getting their feathers) and of course when it came time to "finish business". That was never a fun day at the Capper household. Great job on the class website...I've heard lots of good things about it from everyone. Keep the posts up! I know it's hard to keep up, but they're great!!