Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Birthday!

We had a wonderful weekend!
Ben turned 30 on Saturday. He went to a farm auction in the morning. It was very cold so he froze his tushy off. That evening we went over to Brad and Donna's for a little birthday celebration. Ben got to choose his birthday dinner and the cake of his choice.

Hot Beef Sandwiches with Homemade Potatoes and Brown Gravy

Ryan insisted that we sing Happy Birthday and that Ben blew out candles. I am sure Ben could have done without all that but he played along for Ryan's sake.

Chocolate Cake with no frosting

Ben received one big gift from Ryan/I and Brad/Donna. A charcoal grill with side table. This grill catches the charcoal ashes so we can put it on our deck. We do a lot of charcoal grilling. Meat just tastes better when cooked over charcoal instead of gas.

SUNDAY: The weather was a little warmer on Sunday so we took the kites out...

We were so happy to see Elcina (Ben's great aunt) this weekend. She spends the winters in south Texas. She returned to Iowa a couple weeks ago. Ryan loves Cina. I think it is because she plays with him a lot and gives him her undivided attention. What kid wouldn't like that?? I bet Cina was worn out after a weekend of Ryan!

Playing in the grill box

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how cute are those chicks.. i like them at that stage... give them a month or so, then i'm not as fond of them.. especially since i know what happens 'next' :(

love the pic of ryan and cina playin!! how cute is that picture!! also, you have to give me the full name and author of that book they are reading.. since it is something about 'nickel'.. i've got to have it!!!!!

enjoying your blog.. keep bloggin away.... Lisa